Thursday, December 17, 2009

News: Cudi leaves the Monster's Ball tour.

A lot of people are saying dude got kicked out the tour because of the punch. I can believe that .. actually I did believe that but I also thought about Cudi having a show coming out next year, i believe. (I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS BTW) They say this show is suppose to be like ..... the NEXT ENTOURAGE & if you DON'T KNOW I am the biggest fan of Entourage. So seeing Cudi take over the next chapter of a show similiar to that, since it's written by Mark Walhberg & he wrote Entourage ... I am so so so so so excited.  BUT ANYWAYS, here is the official statement from cudi on his departure from the tour:

Kid Cudi has decided to take an early leave of absence from Lady Gaga’s Monster Ball tour, in order to balance his schedule surrounding the recording of his next album and acting commitments.  Cudi does not want to disappoint his fans and will move forward with his individual show dates in December and throughout the month of January. –DREAM ON

so there you have it, he left on his own .... so they say. Meanwhile, enjoy this funny interview I found on his fansite, cudi is getting interview by who they say “Human Serviette” aka Nardwuar is that weird Canadian dude who knows too much and asks a lot of questions.

1 comment:

Cook.ThePoet. said...

I believe it. I would leave too if it would further my own career. Smart move on his part. This the 2nd time I'm hearing bout the show. Imma def watch too
